mountains in art > art projects > city art
city art
“stadtArt” project of the kunstverein deggendorf:
in 2002, the kunstverein deggendorf invited artists to a stadtArt project in which only different types of sand and litter objects were to be used. for many years now, i have been trying to discover and explore the last visible remains of the oldest ground monuments in bavaria. for my two sand paintings of 2 x 2 meters, i used the elliptical and circular shapes of several temples or calendar buildings as they were built in the area between the mouth of the isar and the danube 6000 years ago. even today it is very difficult to recognize the discolorations in the ground. in just a few years, these ground monuments will be ploughed unrecognizable. my sand pictures were therefore intended to be a sign of the destruction of these geometric forms, because even these artificial sand circles will vanish due to weather and also passing people.
how much even changes of color in the ground can tell about life in the past is one of my most fascinating impressions till today.